Apple announces release of iOS 11.0.3 update for iPhone and iPad

Apple announces release of iOS 11.0.3 update for iPhone and iPad

Apple announces release of iOS 11.0.3 update for iPhone and iPad

It is habitual as we know for Apple to be wracking their engineers’ heads to cook up upgrades to their iOS platforms. Such updates come as intermittent solutions to a number of bugs that creep up regularly.
The latest coming from is the iOS 11.0.3 update for iPhone and iPad. The updates come in the size of 285mb. This follows hotly on the heels of the recent 11.0.2 update that was released sometime last week.

This new update as said is a solution to a couple of bugs that popped up. The first happens to be on the audio as well as the haptic feedback on the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. On those devices, those functionalities weren’t smooth with a number of users bemoaning the hitches. The other bug that the new update would deal with concerns input responsiveness which was crept up prominently on iPhone 6S units. These iPhone 6S were particularly those which were repaired with non-genuine parts.
Consequent to the release of this new update, Apple has called out against the use of non-genuine parts in the repairs of bad parts. You can download the update via iTunes as well.

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